Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Small Talk - Coffee and English Communication advice to help you, help your kids!

Hello All,

Are you a new mum not knowing how to begin communicating with your baby?

Perhaps you are a mum conscious of the importance that our kids in India are bilingual and need to maintain this quality, without compromising on their English.

May be, your child does not want to read books or speak English?

There are many reasons all children are different and need helpful, compassionate, constructive, fun methods and help!

Smart Talkers India will be holding morning sessions from 9 am - 11.45 am to offer advice and suggest techniques to assist you help your preschoolers and early readers (0 - 7 years old) with spoken English and written communications.

These "Communication Sessions" have come about from a request by parents and grandparents who have stopped me at school gates, bookshops, school bookshops and workhops; they all asked for advice to help their child improve or begin to speak English.
I decided to offer these informal sessions in a relaxed environment where you can bring your child if you wish.  Thus, I am available in Gurgaon or Delhi during the weekdays or from Gurgaon on most Saturdays.

I am a mother of a 6 year old, an international communications training specialist of 24 years, a native English speaker and a fluent Bengali speaker (my child speaks English and Hindi with equal fluency, plus is now starting to speak Bengali).  In addition, I am cross cultural consultant and am aware of the effects of environment upon learning.  I will give you my own personal experience and my techniques for your child's success story with the English language.

If you would like to arrange a session with me either individual or group, please call or SMS on 9899008960.

My fee is Rs 300 per consultation per child.  I will focus for 1 hour and 30 mins.

I look forward to our coffee, tea and talk about your little one!

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